TWPT is excited to introduce our new osteopath Angus Gould!
At TWPT we’ve always been passionate about providing the best service to our clients and helping people perform and move the best they possibly can!
That’s why we’re really happy to have Angus as part of our team!
Angus will be working from our new Goods Station Road studio and is available for appointments now.
Who is Angus?
Angus grew up in East Sussex where both he and his family saw an osteopath regularly from a young age. After leaving school he explored different career options and decided to expand his knowledge in the area of health sciences. Four years later Angus graduated from Swansea university having obtained a first class masters degree in Osteopathy.
During his degree, he developed special interests in chronic pain disorders and advanced neurology. This inspired him to perform his own research project combining osteopathy and mindfulness to see if this would provide an added benefit for patients suffering with these conditions, the results of which he is aiming to have published in a medical journal.
Angus now enjoys working full time as an osteopath in Tunbridge Wells and joined TWPT as our osteopath in April 2021.
Previously to being an osteopath Angus also trained as a qualified fitness instructor which he feels adds an element of rehabilitation to his practice to help achieve sustainable results.
Additionally to Osteopathy, Angus enjoys keeping fit, attending the gym regularly focusing on resistance training. As well as this, skiing is a keen interest of his and he attempts to go on a trip at least once a year. He also has a passion for cooking and nutrition and enjoys creating new dishes; cooking for friends and family.
What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body, and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.
To an osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well.
So osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.
What approach does Angus use?
Angus is primarily a structural osteopath meaning he uses a variety of different techniques that focus on the body's frame work and connective tissue, to improve the mobility and stability of joints, reduce the likelihood of muscle spasm, as well as improving circulation and lymphatic drainage to the target tissues.
The type of techniques you can expect Angus to use are; joint manipulation and articulation, neuromuscular technique, muscle energy technique, myofascial release, joint harmonics, deep soft tissue techniques and exercise prescription.
Who does Angus Treat?
Osteopaths’ patients include the young, older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and sports people. Patients seek treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including back pain, changes to posture in pregnancy, postural problems caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and minor sports injuries.
How to book an appointment?
Visit -
Or alternatively give Angus a call on 07526485224.