Nine components to resilience James Shireby - Life Coach
Throughout your life you will meet many challenges. Whether these challenges are physical, mental or emotional, your ability to handle them will be dictated by how resilient you are.
Throughout your life you will meet many challenges. Whether these challenges are physical, mental or emotional, your ability to handle them will be dictated by how resilient you are.
Building a happy and healthy life starts with putting in strong health foundations.
We’re all better and healthier people if we have good sleep, eat nutritious food and exercise regularly.
But one missing link when it comes to building a happier and healthier life is building healthy relationships.
Too often they are sacrificed for the chase of more material success or monetary wealth.
The Harvard University has been researching human health and happiness for over 85 years. The most consistent finding was that positive relationships keep us happier, healthier and help us live longer.
Positive relationships start with positive connection.