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How to stop your beliefs holding you back James Shireby - Life Coach

We all have a set of beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. These beliefs can be rigid and govern much of our thinking style.  

Your beliefs can be helpful and support your growth, or they can be limiting and hinder you. 

Limiting beliefs are false beliefs that hold you back from doing something important, meaningful and valuable. They can prevent you from moving your life in a worthwhile and purposeful direction.

How to understand your values

Your values are who you want to be and how you want to behave. They’re your way of being and doing. They consist of character traits and areas of your life that are important to you.  

Your values become who you are. For example, if you value money above everything else, then that will define who you are. 

Why understand your values? 

Understanding your values gives you clarity on how you want to live your life. It allows you to walk your own path and move in a direction that is authentically aligned with who you want to be and what you want in your life.  

How to assess and manage your stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. It’s not inherently bad. We all need a degree of stress to help us grow and positively adapt. Your body is well equipped to cope with short term (acute) stress. The stress response known as the fight or flight system will switch on, giving you the energy and focus to deal with the current situation. 

10 Steps to Improve Your Wellbeing

Wellbeing is a complex state of being that includes your physical, mental, emotional and social health. It’s about feeling healthy and happy with yourself and your life.  

There are many different components which influence your wellbeing. Be mindful of placing too much focus on one area, at the cost of other important areas.  


3 components to motivation and improved wellbeing James Shireby - Life Coach

Have you ever felt frustrated that you’re not moving in the direction you would like? 

Have you ever said to yourself that you just need more motivation?  

Do you struggle to maintain or be consistent with positive behaviours?  

As a life coach a big part of my job is to help support change. This means helping my clients implement and sustain new behaviours that have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing.   


How to stop your emotions hindering you? James Shireby - Life Coach


Have you ever found yourself constantly feeling angry, sad, upset, scared, worried or resentful?  

Have these emotions become so powerful that you find yourself over-reacting or pulling away from others or situations?  

Have you found them to be so frequent that they negatively influence your health, relationships or wellbeing?  

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Why peaks and throughs in training performance are okay.

At TWPT we adapt our sessions to suit our clients needs, often making adjustments on the day! 

Whilst it can be important to have a long term training plan. Which includes short term markers of performance based success, weekly goals that include an increase in weights, reps, sets or miles covered. 

It is also important to not get too focussed on short term performance as this fluctuates much the same as scale weight. 

Your performance increases follow a trend when improving. Just like a stock market graph there will be peaks and troughs in the short term but the long term increase will invariably be up…..