Meet Christian, he’s our newest addition to the team at TWPT! 

Christian works at our Goods Station Road studio, and joined the team 3 months ago, 

How long have you been in the fitness industry? 

I’ve been a PT since March 2020! I finished my course the same week that the first lockdown hit, so it was an.. interesting time to get things started to say the least! It’s been a whirlwind past 2 years, but undoubtedly the most growth-filled two years of my life so far.

What do you enjoy doing outside of PT? 

My time away from the gym is spent hanging out with friends, playing football, learning (I love a podcast), & working on other aspects of my business! I’m someone who naturally likes to spend their time ‘productively’, but I’m conscious of relaxing more & just enjoy life. 

What does a typical session with you look like? 

I’ll be honest.. a lot of chatting! Don’t get me wrong, I push my clients to work hard, but I’m also conscious of allowing each individual to be open about what’s going on in their life & to just have fun for the hour they’re with me! 

Are you currently studying or reading anything at the moment? 

I’m currently on an anatomy course with Integra, but to be honest I’m always learning. Right now, I’m reading a book called ‘The Untethered Soul’ & I listen to various podcasts centered around psychology, philosophy, & self-growth.

What do you do for your own training? 

My training in the gym is geared towards sports performance - I work with an online coach who works with several professional footballers. 

For someone new to health and fitness what’s your go to first bit of advice? 

Understand that health is an infinite game. Take the pressure of yourself, accept yourself where you’re at right now, & just enjoy every step of the journey! 

What approach do you take when it comes to nutrition?

I don’t follow a dogmatic approach with nutrition. We’re all different, so I simply encourage my clients to base their diet around real foods (~80% of the time), while allowing themselves the freedom to enjoy the foods they love!

If you’d like more information about Christian or our services Click Here to contact us.