How many Personal Training sessions should I do a week? 

This is a very common question that we have at TWPT.

On average most of regular clients do 1-2 sessions a week. Some do 3 some do 4 and some train every other week or even once a month to check in with their trainer. 

It really depends on your needs and goals, your lifestyle factors, budget, fitness, energy levels and if you train at home or in a gym outside of your Personal Training sessions. There’s so many variables that we could take into account. 

Here’s some common solutions that we find work for people. 


Twice a week 

Making it simple, easy and realistic, if you would like one of our team to take care of all of your exercise sessions then twice a week is perfect. 

You will have done enough exercise to be fit, healthy, see great results and promote longevity.

Our personal trainer would be encouraging more daily activity and movement outside of these sessions. This would mainly be walking and habit changes like taking the stairs rather than the lift. 


Once a week 

Once a week is perfect for many reasons. 

  1. Once a week will go a long way to keeping you healthy. Sometimes busy schedules, children, family, age, finances and energy levels can be an unavoidable factor. 
  2. Training once a week, will increase strength and improve cardiovascular fitness.  
  3. Couple the above with improved sleep, mood and less risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. 
  4. If you train at home or in a gym, we can provide you with an exercise programme to do alongside your PT session. The once a week session is great as we can check in, refine technique and add fun variation into your programme. 

As you can see there’s a huge amount of benefit from training once a week. Exercise is such a positive factor to have in life we would enthusiastically recommend it in any amount. 

With both of the above options we would also include nutritional programming to help with your weight loss, health or muscle gain goals.


Every other week or once a month. 

If you train at home or at a gym this arrangement works great. 

One of our team of personal trainers can provide exercise programming for the time in between sessions, alongside nutritional programming too. 

We can set an entire system to work remotely with you so that when you come in to your sessions every other week or once a month, we have the information available to progress you to the next level in your training or nutritional goals. 

If training once a month we would recommend completing a few assessments and technique sessions with our team to get started. This would be so that we can assign exercises that are suitable for your body and that so you know the correct form for the exercises. 


Short term goals developing into lifelong health

Very often we take clients on to train intensively with us for a short period of time, they may have a holiday, wedding, sports event, or simply as a motivation booster to get started etc. 

In these cases they come and train with us for a block of time say 6 - 12 weeks plus. 

We love these short term goals and often clients will train with us for this initial period then continue training afterwards. 

This is an option, if you’d like to come train with us for an initial short period of say two times a week, then move to perhaps once a week or once every other week when you’ve hit your goal, this is perfect as we want to support all of our clients in developing a lifelong commitment to health and exercise. 


We here to help

In a nutshell our team of personal trainers at TWPT are here for you as much or a little as you would like to use us. 

We have no membership at TWPT you just pay for the personal training sessions you use, no direct debits or standing orders, just PT. 

If you’d like to book in for a free consultation and show around click here.