1. Start Small, Think Big: Breaking down fitness goals into manageable, realistic steps to create a foundation for consistency.

  2. Creating a Routine: Designing a personalised workout schedule that aligns with daily life and commitments. Ensure it fits with you & your lifestyle... make it non-negotiable

  3. Tracking Progress: The importance of tracking fitness achievements to stay motivated and identify areas for improvement.  Set yourself a target, track your progress & seek improvement week on week. Soon enough when you reflect upon your progress in 6 months time you will see how far you've come & that is motivating. 

  4. Support Systems: Building a support system and leveraging accountability for consistent exercise habits. Seek out like minded individuals who want to see you succeed & become a better version of yourself. Find a gym buddy, Join a class or seek out a coach.

  5. Celebrating Milestones:  Recognising and celebrating both small and significant achievements in the fitness journey, whether that be a personal best or just better than last week.